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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Mind Programming - Introduction

"Nothing greatest can ever be achieved without controlling the mind"

We all set goals in life see dreams, and wish to achieve and make plan accordingly. We basically follow these steps-

  • Set the goal
  • Make the plan
  • Implement the plan

Most of the plans are never implemented and we start to do procrastination and even if we start to implement then everything goes fine initially but after some time we start to deviate and finally completely leave the goal. Very few of us achieve their goals and rest of us changes the goal. 

Why some people achieve every success while most of the people fail? Why some people perform better in pressure situation while some people fail in pressure situation? Why some people have amazing persistence and determination while some keep doing procrastination? Why some people are so disciplined in their work and some are not? Why some high IQ people though who always performed well in academics fail to perform better in their career while some other who have average IQ performs better than those high IQ people in career?

The answer of above questions lies in stillness of mind. Achievers have better control over mind than non-achievers. As explained in previous articles we make decision by brain and mind. Sometimes our brain says differently and mind says differently and most of the time mind overtakes brain in decision making. Our 99% of decisions are made by mind. Though goal setting is part of brain but when we start execution, with the course of time mind overtakes brain. In that situation our brain asks us to work for goal but mind wants something else and between the battle of brain and mind if you have control on mind then your brain wins but if you don’t have control on mind then your mind wins and we deviate from goal.

So now it’s confirmed that what we do is actually what our mind asks us to do. Like our intellect says us to quit smoking but if our mind wants to smoke then we will smoke. If our brains says to avoid junk food but if our mind wants to eat junk food then we will eat junk food. If our brain asks us to go to sports ground and do workout but if our mind wants to enjoy the rest then we will do rest on sofa watching TV. If our brain says us to go in the shallow water but if our mind fear from water then we will not go into water so most of the time we do the things that our mind asks us to do. So if you want to do anything in your life that you want then it is must to control the mind.

How to Control the mind

Basically there are two methods for controlling the mind. One is direct and permanent method and other is indirect and temporary method. First one is long term but tough method while other one is short term but very easy method. These two methods can be explained by master - servant analogy. Suppose you are servant and you want to get work done by your master then what will you do? There are two methods- either you yourself become the boss and make him your servant or you manipulate your boss by flattering and tricks and get your work done. In manipulation also there are two ways- either you convince your boss to do the things that you want by telling him the benefits or you confuse him. By using this analogy we can deduce the two methods for controlling the mind are-

  • Meditation
  • Mind Manipulation

Meditation is a method by which you become boss of your mind. Your mind will do only what you will ask to do. It’s a direct and permanent method but its long term process. Complete method of meditation has been explained in three separate chapters. In this article we will use second method – Mind Manipulation. In mind manipulation method, in place of controlling the mind we try to convince to mind to do what we desire so that we can use the infinite power of mind. Mind manipulation also has two ways – Mind programming and Mind bluffing. In mind programming we manipulate our mind by visualizing the benefits of what we want to do while in mind bluffing we confuse mind by numbers so that mind could not take the decision and ask brain to assist. In this article we will talk about mind programming techniques

Mind Programming

The entire mind programming concept is based on the following property of mind –

Mind knows only two things- Pain and Pleasure. 
Mind will do only those things where it will find pleasure and mind will avoid those things where it will find pain.

This is one of the most important properties of mind. Our mind can’t think logically. Our mind doesn't know what is logically correct and what is logically wrong. Mind is emotional and knows only two things – Pain and Pleasure or sense gratifications. Our mind associate pleasure with some objects and activities and pain with some object and activities and mind asks us to do only those things where it already has associated pleasure and stops us from doing those things where it finds pain. Now just think about your all day activities and you will find out that most of the time you do only those activities where you find pleasure and you procrastinate those activity where you need to give up pleasure or where you find pain. Some people find pleasure in sitting on sofa, watching TV with some food for them going outside and mixing with people is painful while some people find pleasure with social circle they find painful in sitting alone in home at sofa. Associating pain and pleasure with object and activities is an automatic process and we do it by unconsciously but the good thing is we can control this process by our conscious attempts. That means we can associate pain with any activity and pleasure with any activity. By using this principal we can program our mind for the things that we want to do. 

The reason that we deviate from our goals is that we were not able to associate enough pleasure with those goals or if we want to leave something but still could not leave that because we were not able to associate enough pain with those activities. So the technique of mind programming says “Associate pleasure with those activities that you want to do, associate pain with those activates that you don’t want to do”. Since our actions decide our habits and our habits decide our personality so by using mind programming techniques you can change your personality too.

There are lot of techniques by which you can program your mind that means you can associate pleasure and pain. Now I will discuss about those techniques by which you can program your mind.

Best Time for Mind Programming

Best time for mind programming is when you are at cognitive ease state. As per famous psychologist Daniel Kahnemen the cognitive ease is the state where you are completely relaxed, when there is no threat, your brain is not active. This is the time when your brain doesn't interfere and you can easily program your mind. You can get this state by listening music, when you have heard some good news or when you are in feel good state. The first one hour just after waking up is the state when we all are cognitive ease state, especially in the early morning. So I will suggest you early morning time or whenever you are feeling good is the best time to program your mind. Pranayam (Deep breathing), brisk walk, yoga exercise, gardening, meditation also makes you relaxed and just after them is also good time for mind programming 

.............................to be continued 

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