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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Meditation (Part - I) Introduction & History

Introduction & History of Meditation

There are two methods of obtaining the knowledge. One is by logic and other is by observation or experience. Our entire knowledge pursuing system depends upon these two pillars. First method is related to Science (Vigyaan) and second method is related to philosophy (Gyaan). First method is related to contemporary world that deals with mostly external world. In this method a logic or fact is presented and in to counter that logic and anti-logic is presented. Due to collision of that logic and anti-logic, a new logic is produced that is superior in nature. To counter that superior logic one more superior anti-logic is introduced and this process goes on and science keeps evolving. 

Another method is different method and that is related to ancient wisdom that is more concerned about internal world where it is believed that external is controlled by internal and if you can understand and control the internal then you can easily control the external. When you see a river from airplane you will see a thin stream flowing. Now just imagine you are keep coming close to the river from sky and it will keep becoming larger and now you are standing at the bank of river and you can see the width, flow, color of river and when you go into the river you become the part of river. Ancient people developed a technique to obtain the knowledge by observation and dissolving the mind into object and that technique is meditation.

Lot of stuff has been discussed about mind and consciousness in previous articles and till now we talked about the negative part of mind. How mind contributes in our 90 to 95% automatic decisions, how mind leads us to wrong and biased decision and responsible in shaping our behavior but now 180 degree twist is about to come in the image formed till now of mind and now we will see the magnificent part of mind. It was mentioned in first article that either mind is a ruthless master or an obedient servant. In this article we will talk about how this obedient servant can do wonders.

Meditation is one of the most popular buzz word these days and teaching has converted into purely business and most surprising aspect is those self-called meditation teacher who doesn’t know anything about dynamics of mind, are teaching this art and depriving their students from real essence of this art. I heard from lot of people talking that it’s an art for governing the mind or talking with self or controlling the anger or a relaxation technique that all are definite benefits of meditation but actually these are small byproducts of meditation. Meditation is much more beyond these benefits.  I am sure after reading this article your lot of misconception about meditation will be cleared. Ancient sages discovered the unlimited power of mind and developed this technique to obtain the knowledge from an object by controlling the mind and transforming the mind.

Rupa and Swarupa

To understand the meaning of these two words is very important to understand the basic idea of meditation. Everything in manifestation has two forms. One is an external form that expresses its superficial and non-essential nature which is called Rupa and other one is an internal form which constitutes the very essence or substance of its true nature which is called its Svarupa. Rupa is what we see by our naked eyes and Swarupa is what hidden behind that object, that can’t be seen by eyes and that is actually driving force of that object. If we can understand Swarupa of an object we can understand the true nature of that object and we can regulate that object. Meditation is a technique to understand the Swarupa of the object. It’s a technique to acquire wisdom and unleashing the infinite power of mind.

History of Meditation

Credit of invention of meditation can’t be given to a single person. It is believed that this technique was developed thousands of years abg by ancient Indian sages in India. World’s oldest literature Rig Veda talks about meditation.

 "We meditate on that desirable light of the divine Savitri, who influences our pious rites"
 (Rig Veda : Mandala-3, Sukta-62, Rcha-10)

(Lord Shiva practising Meditation)

 The language of Rig Veda is in highly coded form and it’s very difficult to understand to decode that language so there is hardly any direct verse on meditation but the truth is (those who have decoded the rig veda) entire rig veda talks about meditation. Meditation was the most popular method in ancient India for obtaining the knowledge. Various Puranas talk about demigods and mysterious Sidhis that can be attained by meditation. Miraculous powers were said to have been acquired through diligent practice of yoga and meditation. 

Upanishads are abstracts of Vedas and again very hard to understand and talks on the same essence that was mentioned in Veda but the first literature that brought meditation in very simple terms to common people was Gita. Gita is collection of Krishna Arjun dialogues from the battlefield of Kurukshetra afoul 3000 BC. In Gita, Krishna told to Arjun to controlling the mind by meditation and acquiring the real wisdom. The methodology involved in meditation is described in the 6th chapter called Dhyana Yoga or the Yoga of meditation of the Bhagavad Gita. It says a Yogi, through meditation, should concentrate his mind living alone in solitude, having gained a superb control over his mind and body getting rid of all desires in the process. This is the process of meditation but the book that revolutionized the knowledge of meditation and till date that is considered most scientific book on meditation is Yogasutra by Sage Patanjali. The book was written around 1000 years BC. This book contains 192 verses and divided in 4 chapters in which 3rd chapter is completely devoted to meditation. This book talks about eight step process of moksha. Sage Patanjali mentioned an eight step technique of moksha in which step no 6 to step no 8 is about meditation. We can’t say that Patanjali developed this technique. This technique was being used by sages from thousands of years. Patanjali was the first person who documented this process.

8 Step Astang Yoga model for Moksha:

  1. Yama (self-restraint) :  Nonviolence, truthfulness, non-stealing, non-cheating on one's partner, non-possessiveness
  2. Niyama (observances)  : Purity, contentment, austerity, self-study and self-surrender
  3. Asanas (Postures)
  4. Pranayama (Breath Control)
  5. Pratyahara (Abstraction)
  6. Dharna (Concentration)
  7. Dhyaan (Meditation)
  8. Samadhi (Trance)

Patanjali’s yogasutra is most popular book on meditation and translated in more than 40 languages. Prince of Magadh ( A State of India) Sidharth used astang yoga (700 BC) techniques and got Moksha who is better known as Budha., Meditation spread in China and from China to Japan and other pacific countries due to Budhism. Meditation is called “Dhyaan” in Sanskrita and it became “Chiaan” in China and when same term went to Japan it became “Zen” that means knowledge so the origin of word Zen is dhyaan (Meditation).

In this article I will explain detail technique of meditation. I will take the reference of Patanjali’s yogasuta’s step no 6 to step no 8 that is concentration to trance. Basically concentration, mediation and trance are different stages of same process while concentration is most basic, trance is most advance stage. The entire practice is called Sanyam and Sanyam is the process that unlocks the door of mysterious powers. Let’s talk about concentration.

........................to be continued 

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