Mind is one of the most
common and mysterious word we have been hearing from long time. We use it every
day but no one in the world understands it fully. Is Mind and brain same thing?
If they are same then why there are two voices come from our inside? Why we are
not able to make decision logically? Why our impressions are subjective?
Scientist doesn't know the answers about it. Neuroscientists have their own
limitation while there is Indian philosophy that is entirely based on mind and
very clearly distinguishes between mind and brain. Krishna said in Gita that
our body made of eight elements: fire, earth, water, air, ether, mind,
intellect and ego. Aitaraye Upanished talks in detail about how mind was
created and how it functions. Mind and Brain are two separate entities and both
are involved in judgement making. Their brief characteristics I explained in my
second article “Fast Mind and Slow Brain”. In this article I will describe in
detail about Mind. Every day we make our 95% of decision by our mind so Mind is
the main driver that drives us in our life journey and most important thing
about it that we still know very little about it that makes it the most
mysterious driver.
Position of Mind in body
In Gita 5.27, Krishna
says :
“Shutting out all external sense
objects, keeping the eyes and vision concentrated between the two eyebrows,
suspending the inward and outward breaths within the nostrils, and thus
controlling the mind, senses and intelligence”.
verse hints that position of mind is at frontal lobe of the brain at forehead,
just above the nose the same place where Shiva has third eye basically mind is
dynamic and it keeping changing its position. It has three positions. When we
are awake and make conscious judgements mind is at forehead, when we are in
dream it goes to neck (Cerebellum part of Brain, this is also place of
subconscious mind) and when we are in dreamless sleep it goes to heart and
connects to cosmic mind (Aitrey Upanishad) and it is revitalized and re
of Mind
receives the thought from the five senses and stores them into subconscious
mind as Impressions. Thoughts are always stored in our Subconscious mind as
impressions and when we need to make a judgment by mind, subconscious mind
automatically sends the suggestion that we already have stored there. You can
compare it with the Google search. As you write in google search box, it will
automatically give you suggestions about search. This auto suggestion feature
is fundamental difference between brain and mind since brain doesn’t have this
auto suggestion feature there it has to manually retrieve the information from
memory that’s why ego depletion is not applicable in case of mind but most
important drawback of mind is that you cannot turn off its auto suggestion
feature it works 24x7weather you want it or not so when you see some dirty
thing it will automatically give u the impression that you have stored earlier.
When you see an angry face and instantly suggestion come into your mind “Angry”
that is auto suggestion feature of your mind even when we you sitting ideal and
thoughts are coming in your mind are the thoughts from your sub conscious mind
that are popping out automatically. Let’s understand it with this diagram
entire process how we capture thought and how same thought is stored and
retrieved by brain and mind and how do we make judgements
received the information (thoughts) from our five senses and that information
is processed by these two processors brain and mind. Suppose you see and taste
a chocolate than your eyes, your skin, your nose and your tongue will send the
information about chocolate to your two processors and they will process and
store the information in their respective memory folders in this format:
Brand name of chocolate, company,
color, size, calories, nutrition info
Memory (Subconscious Mind)
Taste (good or bad), smell (good
or bed) appearance (good or bad) like it or don’t like it, image
This information will be
kept stored in your memory so when you see same chocolate next time and you
have to make judgement weather you have to eat it or not your two processors
will retrieve the info about the chocolate from their respective memories. Since
retrieving function is automatic in mind so the first information will you get
will be from mind that information will be in about the impression of chocolate
in your mind like you like it or don’t like it. Retrieving function is manual
in brain so here brain will send the command to explicit memory and required
memory will be searched from the huge memory stored in your brain and after
some time you will get the information from brain about its name, calories etc
and now you will make the suitable judgement and now there may be two case:
Case 1: your brain and
mind both are agree or disagree that you should eat it or not it
Case 2: your brain says
eat it due to nutrition and your mind says no due to its taste or your brain
says don’t eat it due to calories but mind says eat it due to taste
In that situation, what
situation you will take depends upon which processor is powerful in most of the
cases, Mind wins the battle and the reason for it that retrieving information
in case of fast and automatic and it doesn’t consume calorie while in case of
brain, it sends instruction to memory and then memory search for the info and
send to brain that takes times and consumes calorie so normally we avoid to
make decisions by brain and make decision by mind and it must be since you
can’t make all the decisions by brain. It’s just a single case now imagine how
much data till now you already have stored in your subconscious mind. While
brain works on request mind keeps working unconsciously and keep storing data
all till now we have stored trillions bytes of data as impressions in our
subconscious mind
Why Mind is Magnificent
and Mysterious
1. Mind
is subjective: It is the mind that differentiates one person to other
person since each and every process and store the impression subjectively in
subconscious mind while brain stores the data as logics and details. Like water
of Ganga River: someone can store as ‘dirty water’ and someone can store as
‘Holy water’. We associate happy feelings for some information and bad feelings
for same information
2. Auto
suggestions by Subconscious mind: Subconscious mind keep sending
thoughts to mind 24X7 and it is completely uncontrolled and can’t be turned
off. Like when you hear the word “Apple” your subconscious mind may send you
picture of mobile phone and my subconscious mind may send image of a fruit. One
of my friend doesn't like pizza since his girlfriend who dumped him was crazy
about pizza so whenever he thinks about Pizza his subconscious mind sends him
image of his girl friend
3. Mind
doesn’t know numbers and statistics : Since number details are stored
in brain’s memory so mind actually doesn't have capacity to compare by numbers
so if you hear two news:
“10 people died due to
swine flu”
“1 people died in bob
There is very fair
chance that your mind may give more importance to second news though
statistically news 1 is important. The information that can be retrieved easily
is more important is considered by mind. So the judgements made by mind are
prone to statistical error.
4. Mind
doesn’t know the difference between reality and illusion: Do you
remember the dialogue of the film Matrix “Don’t think, just believe”. Suppose
you touch an iron gate and got an electric shock now when next time when you
touch the gate though you are sure there is no electric current there despite
it you will feel fear. Irrational Fear is the result of it. You can easily walk
on 1 feet wide wall whose height is 3 feet but if the same 1 feet fall is at
height of 100 feet, Can you walk it ?
5. Pleasure
and Pain: One of the most powerful and dangerous property of Mind.
Mind do the things in which it feel pleasure and avoid in which it feel pain so
you can do anything and get ride anything if you can associate pleasure and
pain with that activity. It was the pain felt by mind that converted Prince
Sidharth into Budha,
6. Feelings: Feelings
are the byproduct of cognition process of mind. We can associate certain type
of feelings with certain type of thoughts
7. Beliefs: Similar
type of impressions stored in subconscious mind forms a folder that is called
beliefs. Beliefs are the fundamental block of our habits and everything that we
do in our life.
8. Physiological
response: Mind controls our physiological response that includes heart
rate, brain waves, body temperature, blood pressure, breathing etc. By
controlling mind we can control our physiological response.
9. Dreams: dreams
are the impressions stored in our subconscious mind that popped out in the mind
randomly when connection to external senses are cut off
10. Intuitions: Mind
works 24 hours unconsciously, keeps storing data. Intuitions are some of the
expert judgements made by us where we don’t have enough reasoning information
Due to above mentioned
properties; Mind is a wonderful servant or ruthless master. It depend upon us
how we take it. Mind can be controlled by brain by continuous practice and
efforts. We keep making judgements and till now you must be able to understand
which judgement are you making by mind and which by brain. All the actions that
you take instantly or in reaction are from mind while where you take time,
giving some attention, you respond are by brain. If you think you must do
something but when you don’t like to do and when you try to do you feel mental
pain are the cases where your mind doesn’t like to do it like your new year
resolution, learning new thing, some important work, changing habits etc and in
other side if you think you must not do something but still you are doing and
if you don’t do you face mental pain are those cases that mind likes to do like
smoking, becoming angry, wasting time etc. If we can control our mind or
somehow convince the mind then we can do whatever we want.
In my coming
articles, I will write in details about the above mentioned 10 features of Mind
and will also explain how we can control the mind.
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