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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Fast Mind Slow Brain


There were two friends Indra and Ganesh used to live together. Though they were friends but there was nothing common in them. Both were entire different personalities while Ganesh was intelligent, logical, introvert, Indra was emotional, artistic and extrovert type. Ganesh was studying maths and love to stay at home. He was lazy by nature and used to take decision very slowly after studying all the facts while Indra was studying arts. He could not sit in the home always wondering here and there. He used to take decision instantly and many times he used to regret for his wrong decisions and Ganesh also used to pay for Indra’s silly decision and there were lot of disputes on many issues so they made a simple rule. If there is anything that is related to Ganesh field he will take decision and same with Indra but if there is conflict in decision than if stakes are low than Indra will take the decision but if stakes are high than both will take the decision but Ganesh will make the final call. Ganesh was slow but very good in decision making so he always used to taunt Indra that he could not make good decisions and poor Indra could not speak any word since he knew that due to his weaknesses lot of wrong things had happened in house and Ganesh is superior than him in capabilities but one day something happened, a miracle that changed the dynamics of house for always. Indra did something that Ganesha had never imagined that made Indra not only the most prominent member of house but only the most prominent member of city.

In my first article, I explained that there are two processors in our head that are both actively involved in Judgement making and I called them brain and mind. They receive the data by senses, process them and store in their respective memories. Some Judgements we make by only using brain, some by mind and in many Judgements both play active roles, sometimes both cooperate each other and sometime both contradicts each other’s. So which judgements are right? For that first of all you should understand what is Judgement?

Basically judgement is action, everything that we are doing all time. You are reading this article, you blinked your eyes, you ignored background sound right now, you smiled even you are breathing is also your judgement. Can you feel your breath? can you take deep breath ? You just made another judgement. All actions that you are doing is governed by these two processors (Brain and Mind) and anything that is governed by these two processors is called judgement. In the Gita, Krishna said to Arjun that no one can exist even for an instant without performing action, everyone is driven to activity. Even if you are thinking something is also an action and subsequently a judgement made by you, means you can think good or bad but if you decided to think about good you made a judgement so everything we are doing is a judgement and every time you are making a judgement. I hope I clearly explained what is judgement so how do we make judgements? To understand this we need to understand the further characteristics of these two processors (Brain and Mind)that are responsible for judgement making 24X7

Let me ask some questions, how is the taste of lemon? Look at any two object in your room suppose a fan and a bulb now tell me which one is closer to you? Which is the most delicious dish you have ever eaten? You meet to someone and by face you can tell that he is angry, happy or sad ? You can drive the car easily on empty highway by talking with friends or talking on mobile, reading billboards on road? You tasted a lemon and made disgust face? So what did you observe in those questions? You didn't need to make any efforts, answer came automatically. Isn't it? You didn't need to measure which object is near to you by measuring tape you can just see and tell which object is near to you. You can just listen and tell voice is coming from which side. You can effortless drive the car on empty highway, you automatically change the gears operate accelerator and break. These all operations are related to Mind and you used your mind to make above decisions so the key word here is fast and automatic. Any decision that you made fast and automatic are by mind and this is the characteristic of mind. You check the post on Facebook, on some post you ‘Like” on some post you don’t click on ‘Like’, so how do you make such a quick decision obviously by mind. Mind store the data as Impressions in its memory like you tasted Lemon and you found it sour so your mind saved this file as ’Sour’ in its memory so whenever next time you will see Lemon, your subconscious mind (Memory of mind is called subconscious mind) will send suggestion to the mind as ‘Sour’. This feature of mind is automatic and very fast means you can’t stop it so if you have save Lemon as ‘Sour’ so whenever you will think about Lemon the ‘Sour’ will come automatically and you can’t turned it off.

Now other side tell me what is 13x14? How many times word Ganesh was used in first paragraph? What is gold rate today in India? What is your mobile number? How do you overtake the car in crowded road? How many calories are in one can beer? There was a delicious food in front you but still you decided to not to eat it just to reduce your calorie consumption, how did you control yourself? Did you notice something common while answering all these questions; your answers were slow and effort full. You need to make efforts to solve 13x14 and it’s not automatic and more than it, you need to give attention. You need to give attention when you are overtaking on crowded road you can’t do it by talking on mobile. This is your brain. Above all the answers were given by brain. Characteristics of brain is slow and attention. Brain store the data in its memory as reasoning so you must have saved some data as logics in your mind and when brain makes any judgement then it goes on folder, follow the rules and makes the judgement and unlike mind it does not have auto suggestion feature and its effort full. Brain needs to make efforts to retrieve the data from explicit memory (Memory of brain is called explicit memory) so any judgement for that you need to make efforts and takes time are actually made by Brain.

It doesn't mean that both have their separate sets of judgement. At the learning stage if you are driving car at empty road you are using your brain but when you have become skilled you are doing same work by mind. God has made the work distribution system of these two processors very beautifully, it is in such a manner that it maximizes the performance. You can’t rely always on brain since it requires effort, it consumes calories so as skills improve mind automatically take control on that activity so where is the problem? Problem arises when a judgement that should be made by brain is made by mind and that should be made by mind is made by brain. Judgement made by brain are always correct but brain have its own limitation it can’t make all the judgements while judgements made by mind are subjected to error but they are fast so advisable is make decision by mind when stakes are low and by brain when stakes are high but it doesn't mean brain is superior to mind. A survey of Harvard Business Review says that 85% of top 36 CEOs made their finest decision by mind. How did it happen? An expert decision made by mind is called Intuition and that makes Mind to magnificent. Due to its automatic nature Mind have unlimited powers. Mind has some more fantastic features that I will explain in next article.

Read first paragraph again. The house is your head, Ganesh is brain and Indra is mind. 

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